As the exclusive distributors of Taeyeon machines from South Korea for over a decade here in the Philippines, we take great pride in providing our valued clients only with high quality electric rebar bending machines. We supply 4 models of electric rebar bending machines. The first model is our TYB-D26 compact electric rebar bending machine which can bend up to 25mm diameter rebars. The second model is our TYB-D35 electric rebar bending machine which can bend up to 32mm diameter rebars.
Our third model is our TYB-HD42A heavy duty electric rebar bending machine which can bend up to 36mm diameter rebars. Finally, our fourth model is our TYB-HD42D heavy duty electric rebar bending machine which can bend up to 42mm diameter rebars. Kindly click the titles of the video to watch our machine introduction videos on Youtube.
25mm rebar bending machine | 32mm rebar bending machine | 36mm rebar bending machine | 42mm rebar bending machine
What makes our Electric Bar Bending Machines Unique?
Electric rebar bending machines are essential in the construction project sites as it prepares rebars that are needed in certain angles depending on the project requirements. Instead of your construction workers spending valuable time on manually bending rebars or bending them with low quality bar bending machines that have a high risk of injuring them or frequently breaking down, we highly recommend you to equip your construction site with a high quality electric rebar bender.
Our electric rebar cutters are built with the intent to perform. We have 4 models of electric bar bending machines. Our TYB-D26 is our compact bar bending machine that has a maximum capacity of bending up to 25mm diameter rebars. Our TYB-D35 is our general bar bending machine that has a maximum capacity of bending up to 32mm diameter rebars.
Our TYB-HD42A is our heavy duty rebar bending machine for general construction projects that has a maximum capacity of bending up to 36mm diameter rebars. Our TYB-HD42D is our heavy duty rebar bending machine for civil construction projects that has a maximum capacity of bending up to 42mm diameter rebars. All our machines are covered with transparent warranty periods.
Our machines are manufactured in South Korea by elite technicians, tested before being supplied here in the Philippines. We have a seasoned sales team who are client centric - trained to transparently recommend the most suitable electric bar bending machines for the client. We have all the spare parts that our electric bar bending machines need here in warehouse that are authentic and brand new. Our technicians are experienced and highly skilled that can either perform on site machine repair as well as in house machine repair.
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