What makes our bar cutter machines different from the others?
The construction site is a very demanding environment. Deadlines have to be met and hours are very important because it directly translates to cost. Rebars have to be constantly ready in the right length no matter what the scale and size of the project is. This is why the reliance of a bar cutter is high in construction sites. The electric bar cutter would enhance the efficiency and productivity of the construction workers in the site in cutting rebars because it can cut multiple rebars at once, depending on the model and capacity of the machine.
As mentioned earlier, the construction site is very demanding. Because of the high reliance of the machines – more often than not, the bar cutter machines are pushed to its limit. This is what separates our bar cutting machines from the rest of the other brands. Our steel bar cutter machine models are built to last and are built to perform. From our smallest capacity bar cutter – the TYC-NHD25 up to our 42mm electric bar cutter – the TYC-HD42A, our machines have earned the trust of the small and big contractors and construction companies of the Philippines because of its performance.
Time will tell the difference between our bar cutter machines and the rest
Many of the other brands nowadays would boast about their competitive price – using this as their leverage to persuade procurement officers to purchase their bar cutting machines. Although initially it may seem to be the right choice – time will tell why investing on low priced and low quality machines will ultimately come back and bite you. First of all, majority of the low priced bar cutters in the market are also low quality. In the construction project where machines are pushed to the limit, low quality machines will immediately start showing its true colors. Many of our clients have experienced using low quality and low priced bar cutters previously before using our bar cutting machines. They never bought low quality bar cutters after experiencing our machines. Quality is guaranteed from our bar cutter machines.
The second reason why buying low priced bar cutter machines is not a good idea is because in most cases, the seller of machine is not equipped with the spare parts. They are cheap for a reason. In the case that a part of the bar cutter is damaged and is needed to be replaced – the seller will most likely not have the spare parts of the machine. It is either they will tell you to wait for months, or upfront will tell you that they do not have the spare parts for the machine repair. On the other hand, we have in our warehouse all the spare parts for all 3 models of our bar cutter machines. And if in the rare case that the spare parts our clients need are slow moving and not available in our warehouse, it will only take a few weeks for us to prepare the spare parts because we are the exclusive distributor of our bar cutter machines in the Philippines.
We value our clients, and we believe that the relationship between our clients do not end once they have purchased the machine from us. We greatly value the experience of our clients when purchasing our machines, when using our machines and also when our machines are in need of repair. As mentioned, we have most if not all of the spare parts for all of our rebar cutters. We also have a roster of highly skilled technicians who can repair the electric rebar cutters of our clients in-house or on-site. To request for assistance in purchasing a machine, you may choose to fill out this form here.
You may also check out our Youtube channel in order to watch the latest videos regarding our bar cutter machines as well as our bar bending machines.